本公司於2月2023年搬遷至三藩市三佰地標中其一的藝術大廈。自置物业,歡迎光臨觀賞!地址:320 Judah St Suite 1,San Francisco,Ca 94122
**金洲拍賣將於2月26號星期日下午3時現場綱絡開拍。 在此非常感谢舊金山藏家們的支持給与本公司超级友情價代拍。谢谢!(張大千,傅抱石,徐悲鸿,潘天壽,吴冠中,黄賓虹,吴昌硕。。。。)名人王植波先生(1925-1964)和名畫家女兒王旦旦一批書畫(上款人)瓷器什项(購於 80 年代香港半島酒店內的‘五豐古玩店)多以底價上拍!還有大藏家王聞善先生(1932-2019)書畫藏品。多件有出版随書的拍品。高质钻石首饰共188件,不容錯過!二十世紀資金轉移,投資增值的首選. 預展:2月22-25日 (必需预约) 開拍前請先註册和付保證金,如有任何問題歡迎可電。415-379-4700 cell:415-722-9487  

To all dear friends and dear clients,

We have relocated to the Historic Art Deco Building (formerly the Doelger Building) to accommodate Golden State Auction Gallery’s growing success. We purchased and chose this unique Landmark in the inner Sunset as it mirrors the beauty of the fine artwork we passionately represent and sell. Our upgraded open showroom has been expanded to 3,000 square ft. inside the 11,509 sq. ft. Art deco building, providing you with an elegant and luxurious ambiance experience.

Coming:  Live online Auction on February 26th at 3:00 pm
Preview dates: February 22nd to 25th (By Appointment Only). 
Registration and security deposit must be received before the auction starts. 
Please Feel Free To Contact Us. 415-379-4700 or cell:415-722-9487 if you have any questions. 
Address: 320 Judah Street, Suite 1, San Francisco, CA 94122